Logistics and Supply Chain

Information Tools for Digital Inclusion

The undeniable truth is that digital inclusion, facilitated by computers, has had a significant impact on the daily lives of people in general. However, for companies in Logistics and Supply Chain, machine-based activities have become essential. Companies that have implemented innovative information systems have opted to streamline their internal processes, aiming for faster information handling, greater efficiency, lower rates of loss, and better results aligned with their objectives.

In today’s fast-paced business world, organizations must continually seek ways to improve their processes and stay competitive. Implementing information systems has become a crucial factor in achieving this goal. By leveraging the latest technologies, companies can optimize their internal workflows, improve their decision-making, and ultimately achieve better results. The benefits of such systems are manifold, including increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction.

It is essential to note that the successful implementation of an information system requires careful planning and management. Companies must ensure that their systems align with their overall business objectives and that they have the necessary resources and expertise to implement and maintain them effectively. However, for those who are willing to make the necessary investments, the rewards can be substantial.

In conclusion, the integration of information systems has become a critical factor in the success of modern businesses. By leveraging the latest technologies and innovations, companies can streamline their internal processes, achieve greater efficiency, and ultimately achieve their desired outcomes. As such, the implementation of such systems has become a key priority for forward-thinking organizations looking to stay ahead of the competition.

A system of information can be understood as a combination of integrated elements responsible for collecting, storing, and processing data, which provides useful information for the decision-making, control, and management of an organization. Data and information are distinct concepts, where data refers to unanalyzed sequences of facts before they are presented in a way that people can comprehend them. In contrast, information refers to data that has been organized and presented in a useful manner.

In today’s data-driven world, systems of information have become essential tools for organizations across all industries. By effectively managing data, organizations can gain valuable insights that can inform their strategic decisions and improve their overall performance. These systems are designed to collect, store, and analyze data from various sources, including customers, employees, and external partners.

While data is the foundation of any information system, it is important to distinguish between data and information. Data is raw, unprocessed facts that lack context and meaning. Information, on the other hand, is the result of organizing and analyzing data to create actionable insights. This distinction is crucial because it highlights the importance of transforming data into usable information.

Overall, the effective use of information systems is critical to the success of any organization. By leveraging data and transforming it into meaningful insights, organizations can improve their decision-making capabilities, optimize their operations, and stay ahead of the competition. As the amount of data available to organizations continues to grow, the importance of efficient and effective information systems will only continue to increase.

There are three main stages in the process of handling data within an information system:

  1. Input Stage: refers to the collection of data from various sources, including the system itself or external databases.
  2. Processing Stage: involves manipulating and analyzing the collected data, using various algorithms and techniques to extract useful information.
  3. Output Stage: presents the information in a way that is meaningful and useful to the intended audience. This could take many forms, such as visualizations, reports, or dashboards.

Each of these stages is essential to the successful functioning of an information system. By collecting, processing, and presenting data effectively, organizations can gain valuable insights that can inform their decision-making and improve their performance. With the ever-increasing amount of data available, the ability to handle and process information efficiently has become more critical than ever. As such, information systems have become an indispensable tool for modern organizations looking to stay competitive in today’s data-driven world.

Fonte: elaborado pelo autor com base em Laudon e Laudon, 2014, p. 14.
Created by the author based on Laudon & Laudon, 2014, page 14.

Network structure

In today’s business world, ambitious goals drive organizations to rely on information systems as fundamental tools to achieve their targets. The integration of these systems into shared data networks presents a viable and significant option in terms of information management. However, the complexity of structuring and maintaining such a network demands specialized professionals to coordinate and manage the entire structure effectively. Hence, it is crucial to have skilled experts who can ensure the smooth functioning of the network.

Logistics and Supply Chain Activities Automation

According to Izidoro (2016), business logistics involves diverse activities categorized as primary or support. Transportation, inventory management, and order processing are examples of primary activities. Support activities include warehousing, packaging, and information systems. Given the volume of information related to these and other activities, it is inevitable to adopt effective management of this information through technology.

IT is used to group and analyze information. IT systems, upon receiving and analyzing information, have a positive impact on business performance. Information systems generate accurate and periodic information about all functions and organizations in the supply chain. Thus, the chain is viewed globally, rather than fragmented, allowing managers to develop strategies taking into consideration all available data. Considering the supply chain as a whole increase the company’s profits (Izidoro, 2016).

In this organizational context, systems can classify and offer managers information considered essential for the development of new projects in the short, medium, or long term, as well as ensure effective planning of product and service delivery and/or receipt. Some information can guarantee the customer profile’s delineation, as this knowledge can be differential compared to a direct competitor.

According to Izidoro (2016), IT organizes information that can be attributed to suppliers, distribution and retail, demand, and manufacturing. The author highlights that its importance reaches all stages of the supply chain, from raw materials to the final stage, which is delivered to the customer. The main intentions of managers in using logistic systems are characterized by decision-making, which can be strategic (long-term), planning (medium-term), or operations (variable, based on an analysis of the previous stages).

One of the main roles of a manager is to understand the supply chain as a factor of competitive advantage. Based on this premise, the ease of access to products and services for consumers becomes a positive differential for organizations. In logistics, IT streamlines managerial tasks related to material flow and information flow linked to the supply chain.

There are supply chain management (SCM) software solutions available that support the various stages of the supply chain, including manufacturing, inventory control, scheduling, and transportation. These software solutions improve the decision-making process and help manage processes to achieve efficiency in factors such as inventory, cycle time, and customer service.

According to the Portuguese website Computerworld, the largest suppliers of SCM software are a group of companies including Oracle, SAP, JDA Software, Infor, and Manhattan Associates. In 2016, they achieved an average sales growth rate of 9.8%, with the main customers coming from Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Further details, such as revenue, market share, and growth rates for each company, can be found in the figure below.

Logistics and Supply Chain
Source: supplychain247, 2016

IZIDORO, C. (org). Gestao de tecnologia da informacao e logíitica. Sao Paulo / Pearson Education do Brasil, 2016 | LAUDON, K. C.; LAUDON, J. P. Sistemas de informacoes gerenciais. Sao Paulo / Pearson Education do Brasil, 2014 | Five Largest SCM Software Suppliers | Top 20 supply chain software suppliers, 2016

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